

Oct 262014


A 2-year-old girl who was rushed to the hospital in critical condition Sunday after being pulled from a backyard swimming pool is improving.

The girl is awake and breathing on her own, Chandler Fire Battalion Chief Keith Welch. Tests are ongoing to determine if there was any long-term damage.

via Girl, 2, improving after Chandler near-drowning – WDAM-TV 7-News, Weather, Sports-Hattiesburg, MS.

Oct 262014

CHANDLER, AZ – Authorities say a toddler is in critical condition after she was pulled from a back yard pool in Chandler.

The near-drowning incident happened late Sunday morning near Alma School and Elliot roads

Chandler police say there is a fence around the pool and so far it is unknown how the 2-year-old got inside.

via FD: Toddler pulled from Chandler pool in critical condition – ABC15 Arizona.