Public safety, health officials and volunteers will walk Mesa neighborhoods Saturday as part of the annual Walk for Water Safety. Participants will distribute 5,000 water safety bags door-to-door.
The event starts at 8 a.m. at Dobson Ranch Library, 2425 S. Dobson Road.
Arizona ranks number two in the nation for childhood drownings. It is the leading cause of injury death for Arizona’s children ages 1-5. But most people do not realize that there are twice as many fatal adult drownings as fatal child drownings in the state each year.
In 2012 there were more than 103 child drowning incidents resulting in 21 deaths, and more than 66 adult/teen drowning incidents resulting in 41 deaths.
The Walk for Water Safety Campaign is a drowning prevention program started in 2007, by Cardon Children’s Medical Center/ Mesa Fire and Medical Department. The Campaign is now statewide and provides bags of drowning prevention materials to communities throughout Arizona.
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