Mar 072013

PHOENIX – An 8-year-old boy was pulled from his Valley pool Monday after spending two minutes under water. Two neighbors performed CPR to help bring him back.

Phoenix Fire Department spokesman Larry Nunez said crews responded to the near drowning after the boy fell into a pool at the Puerta Del Sol Apartments Monday afternoon near Osborn Road and 35th Avenue.

Neighbor David Gonzalez said he was watching TV when, “something said to poke your head out the window to make sure the kids were playing where they were supposed to be playing.”

He witnessed two females working to bring back a “lifeless” 8-year-old boy, Gonzalez said. He ran downstairs to help, telling his wife to call 911.

Manny Garcia was on his balcony when he also noticed the commotion. He called 911 as well, and listened to an operator provide instructions on giving proper CPR.

“[Gonzalez] was doing CPR on him and I was assisting,” said Garcia.

Garcia said the mother of the boy was down at the pool, but was “paralyzed” with fear and crying as they worked to revive her son.

“Are you OK?” Garcia asked the boy when he started to come to. “When he shook his head, I knew he was back, but we almost lost a kid.”

Gonzalez said it was a matter of being in the right place at the right time. He said the incident serves as a reminder for all parents to watch their kids around the pool.

“There was no life in that little boy. Just in the water that came out of him; it was probably a gallon of water.”

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